Saturday, May 22, 2010

How do you stay happy all the time, Jaime?

(I wrote this as a Facebook reply
in response to some one asking "Jaime, how do you stay so happy all the time?"
just before I dusted off this blog site,
and started to actually use it!)

Affirmations are seeds that I lovingly plant
in my consciousness now, as much as I can remember,
in thought and in writing,
to start to shift my "samskaras" or habitual grooves/patterns
that have developed over the course of my lifetime
for whatever limitless reasons...

my particular old patterns include anger and rage,
really big, vibrant streams of tangible spikey feelings shooting out from my body...
(even if I'm silent and the lights are out, people can feel them)

and I am just committed to release myself of the toxicity
that I can create in my body and in the space around me,
when I unconsciously unleash this on myself and others...
release myself of the toxicity with love...gently shifting and embracing the
slow blossoming and unfolding of my highest self.

(After writing this, I have since shifted calling anger "toxic,"
and now just seeing it as a shade of passion
for what I really want, asking "Why am I angry? What am I really wanting here?"
As I see the anger as passion for what I am really wanting to create,
I can funnel that passion into creativity...
creating the world I envision...
"Be-ing the change I wish to see" (Thank you, Gandhiji!)

Having a garden is really helping me with a
loving, gentle transformation process...
the little seedlings totally take their
good, sweet time growing and unfolding...
it doesn't help for me to get frustrated or pissed
that they aren't already tomatoes or squash!
(Believe me, I have! I speak with the wisdom of experience!)

I get to treat myself like *that* with gentle awe and wonder...

my slightest improvement is of such great value...

the slightest opening of my leaves is occasion to celebrate...
the moment I can breathe and shift the old thoughts
that have me wreak havoc on myself and others,
and make a new choice...getting closer and closer...

♥ ♥ ♥
Yep. Totally human being over here,
just really conscious and intentional with
what I put out into the Universe,
and the seeds I am planting in my own consciousness,
and the collective consciousness...

I totally thrive on support, too...
other beautiful human beings like you
walking the path with me
is unbelievably helpful and relieving...
we don't have to walk alone, ever...
There is Hope!!!
And even beyond Hope, there is actually Certainty
within the Uncertainty
that this too, shall pass!


I just recently got a few apps for my Iphone:
"Anger Management Affirmations" and "'What's good about Anger."

It's like daily medicine for me to listen to these
and other enlightening material
and continue to pursue healing remedies,
affirmations, workshops, counseling, NVC, yoga, RC, dancing, hooping...
to really become the beautiful, wonderful being I am capable of being...

All the while knowing I can't strive toward
something that I already am,
and also,
that there *is* work to be done to bring
my way of living and being into an alignment
that makes real happiness, contentment, absolutely possible.

"The effort to change and improve ourselves is
fraught with the risk of subtle self-aggression
that only produces more unhappiness..." Donna Farhi

So, for now I'll keep affirming...

I am a calm, even tempered person.
I am the only person that controls my emotions
and I embrace the ever-changing nature of life
I always get exactly what I want or something even better.

And I'll gently allow myself to grow into that way of being!
Big Love to anyone reading these posts...
this is fun...
maybe I should blog???!!

(This exerpt copied from Facebook before this blog!
It is the inspiration for blogging!)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love this (and you) too! Thank you, Jaime. What an awesome blog to wake up to.

Ugh it's hard to stay mindful or as a byproduct, patient. I struggle with it continually. Can't everything happen RIGHT NOW?

It's hard work being a human-who knew? I am glad to have fellow travelers on my path.